INFORMATION Psychology practice Bas Nijenhuis


You have been referred to my practice. I welcome you for a first meeting.

There is a waiting room at the first floor.


This practice offers:

  • Basal mental health care called ‘basis-GGz’.

  • Therapy for mild to moderate psychological problems.

  • Treatment focussed on the problems, at specific goals and is fairly short in length.

  • Treatment is for people older then 18 years of age.

  • Days of opening are on Thursday and Friday 9:00 -17:00 (16:00 is last time for meeting)

  • When continuing you are responsible for making follow-up appointments, which can be done by phone (see below) or at the desk below with the assistents (entire week).

    Referral letter and funding

    To be alledgeable for funding by the Dutch insurance (if you have this) you will need a referral letter from your doctor or general physician. This is called ‘verwijsbrief’ in Dutch. Please take this with you at the first appointment.

    Note: every specialist treatment (beside that of your general physician) and medicine will use your ‘eigen risico’ (own risc threshold) first. This is a fixed amount each year you will have to pay up first.

    Certain diagnoses

    At the first meeting a diagnose will be formulated (if present). Having a psychiatric diagnoses is also required by the insurance company.

    Unfortunately not all of the psychiatric problems will be funded by insurance. These are:

• Relational problems, work related problems, specific fobia (like heights), adjustment disorder

If you have only one of these the Dutch insurance will not fund it. If you think this might be so and have questions upfront, please contact me.


If you are insured for healthcare in the Netherlands, your treatment will be fully funded (except for your own risk) 


A diagnosis or a referral letter is not neccesary if you want to pay for the treatment yourself. This is 90 euro per session and paid after each session. There is no ATM device, so cash only.


The treatment

In the basal healthcare there are various trajectories:

The type of problems and the severity will influence choosing from these options. From the short (maximum 5 meetings) to the intensive (maximum 12).





The first appointment will be 60 minutes, follow-up sessions are 45 minutes.


Up to 24 hours you may cancel the appointment, this is free. After that moment it will count as a ‘no-show’ and 60,- euro’s will be charged.


Everything that will be spoken about will fall under the priciple of privacy: all will remain with the therapist. Only your own doctor will receive a short letter about your situation and treatment plan. This letter/ treatment plan is also for you and will first be given to you (at the second meeting).


Office of general physicians Boersma and Soeters (huisartspraktijk Boteringestraat) Nieuwe Boteringestraat 1
9712 PD Groningen

tel 050 – 312 54 32




Practice detail

Kvk: 6606 3213, AGB individu: 94-015545, AGB praktijk: 94-062597, BIG register: 69909689725, Bank account: NL23 INGB 0703 6481 79